About This Game A New Wizardry for a New GenerationThe universe is in the throes of violent upheaval and change. Vast and mysterious forces are preparing for the final confrontation. A small group of heroes from distant lands must plunge into the heart of the maelstrom, to uncover long-forgotten secrets, and bring about a new era. Should they succeed, they will gain the powers of the gods themselves. If they fail, countless worlds will fall into the grip of darkness.Wizardry 8 raises the standard for fantasy role-playing with a vengeance. Prepare yourself for a new level of excitement, immersiveness and depth that made role-playing games one of the best-selling, best-loved genres of all time.Prepare to experience the culmination of a prestigious RPG series. Enter a vast world of intrigue and wonder. Unravel a gripping, non-linear storyline. Battle your way to victory using your swords, your magic, and your wits. Compete with rivals or align with allies as you struggle to ascend to the Cosmic Circle. Take the battle to the dreaded Dark Savant in Wizardry 8, the phenomenal conclusion to the Dark Savant trilogy, one of the most extensive and challenging stories ever told in classic role-playing games! This is the legacy of Wizardry 8!Explore a vast 3D world filled with action, magic and adventure. Wander through dark dungeons, lush landscapes, scorching volcanoes and even beneath the sea.Create your own custom party of adventurers. Make a gnome gadgeteer, a lizardman fighter, a rawulf lord or even a faerie ninja. the possibilities are endless!Choose a custom personality for each character and hear them speak over 100 lines of dialogue; Kindly or Chaotic, burly or surly-how your characters act is up to you.Talk to dozens of intelligent characters. How you treat them determines whether they become powerful allies or deadly enemies.Battle over 300 types of monsters in some of the most intense combat ever seen in an RPG. The unique auto-targeting system makes combat easy to learn, while the huge number of strategies adds unprecedented depth.Advanced creature A.I. brings a new level of realism to RPGs. You don't just hunt the monsters-the roaming monsters hunt you.Cast over 100 spells using a unique power-level system that guarantees that no spell ever becomes obsolete. 7aa9394dea Title: Wizardry 8Genre: Adventure, RPGDeveloper:Sir-Tech CanadaPublisher:Gamepot, Inc., Nightdive StudiosRelease Date: 15 Nov, 2001 Wizardry 8 Download Computer This game is pure and simple amazing. There is a reason the people who have played it clamered to get it rerelased on any platforms. I have put in MANY MANY hours into this game. and still it is one of my favorites. This game was a labor of love as it drove the company bankrupt and still they finished it long after checks stop comming in. and even released a patch. Prosunparralled character customization, Still unmatched by almost any game today.The game is fairly open world for its time, and still today has a you can go anywhere and do anything approch to the game from the start. 100's of hours worth of game play and replayablitiy. Replayability, this alone makes this game almost never ending in possibilities. random moster generators, and random loot generators also make the game never the same thing twice. cons, Graphics are dated. even with mods the game engine is limited in what it can do. Difficulty. The game can be hard to even the ones who have played it for years. If you had in Mad god's Cosmic forge program you can change almost anything about the game. Truely Truely wonderful.. Example of one of the finest and earliest modern first person turn based CRPGs with unique aspects that adorn the game.Game with its rich details and deep nature comes close to D&D experiences of isometric games immersion wise that I had as a player. It's as much an unique game for RPGs as E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy is to shooters or 'regular' Quake is for that matter. Strange and different yet captivatingly fun and memorable.Game has very detailed character creation sheet with Classes like ''Ninja'', ''Samurai'' and ''Monk'' (amongst others) and further deep character creation and combat based systems. Game's also heavy on the action and I like it with UI style that it has which is very remeniscent of dungeon crawlers of old.Game is a true milestone and a columniation of an era from an age in gaming history and it shows because among other things it still stands.A proverbial 'pillar of eternity' in its class and of the likes that you probably won't be seeing made anymore in that particular style. The game has a sort of prototype feel to it because in esence in our gaming culture it is a rare game. It comes from an age that as quickly it dawned it equally fast disappeared, it seems leaving a trail behind with some memorable titles.Ultimately it's a product of its time and in this sense game is very monumental.So we could say this is truly an unique game if nothing for the very imsersive and action packed experiences it delivers. One of the rare games that combines Sci-Fi with fantasy and blends it into the gameplay. It's got this Giger-esque feeling to it that's sort of hard to describe, especially considering that the game is odd but the monsters and some settings in the world are evident of this. It's an unique and cherishable art style and a dark, empty and desolate place fighting monsters.The particular style of dungeon crawling took off in Japan and became very popular with countless clones being reproduced. I thought that as an interesting and a fortunate fact for this particular game that as a series spans its roots back in history. Games that were ultimately very influential but rather forgotten in the realms of time.Very, very excellent. Just makes me want there was more.. Somehow i have missed this game in my 20+ yrs of gaming and discovered it in 2016.WHAT A MISTAKE HAVE I DONE.Game made by Sirtech (Jagged Alliance rings any bells?) which made me remember how the games used to be in times when great game dev studios still existed...I won`t write a game description (Wizardy 8 Wiki instead[en.wikipedia.org]) but let me tell you - if you play this you are in for a treat.Graphic is still "playable" (early 3d i would say ;) ) and the gameplay itself feels just awesome (mix of real time walking and turn based combat from first-person perespective).The amount of possible combinations for characters and party creation is vast and i can't yet imagine the replayability value (endless? :P ).Don't forget to edit the file 3DVideo.CFG (with notepad or whatever else) in order to type in your desired resolution (ingame utility offers only low res) and have fun.PSIf you are new to Wizardry series i suggest watching some youtube guides for first party creation like this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2Z1dm3b5Ys. Quite simply the best RPG of all the time. Gameplay is off the scale!. It's more modern than its graphics imply - this game isn't just some old-school zombie that was kept alive by fans, it's an RPG that may be slow at at times, and have more than a few quirks that do require research before building your party, but it has a much deeper system than at first appears. It has true 3d, like an FPS while controlling a full party, and the party is arranged on a grid where "short range" is determined by what quarter of the grid is facing the enemy - attacks to the rear attack your rear line mages first, while your front line fighters cannot reach the enemy. It has an odd hybrid point-buy combined with train-through-use system, as well - skills are both bought and then trained through use, making player choices not be so much a min-maxxing for what skills are most valuable and worth your points, as much as it is a choice of what skills you can train through use the easiest, and which ones need those level-up skill points to get jump-started.If anything, Wizardry 8 is a transitional game. It seems clear that Sir-Tech was working hard to modernize their game while still keeping the depth of their old games, and it's a shame they couldn't have gotten past this point to create a Wizardry 9 that would have more fully brought the game into being both a modern RPG as well as the homage to the RPGs of years past. However, this game gives you all you need to see where they were going.. This is one of my favorite all time RPG's. I owned it on a 3-disc set back in the day and hadn't played it for some time before it hit Steam. I had forgotten just how well done the game was for an '01 title. The story is fun, the voice acting is quite good for such an old game and this game is party building at it's finest. This game is an early entry into making choices that matter in a game. Building alliances or making enemies of the Umpani and Trang makes for some fun questing.I'm one of those crazies that skills up a Bishop as my first 15 or 20 hours of a playthrough. (You see the time spent, I'm dedicated). There's a science to it! Having to skill up all your weapon, magic and every other type of skill takes dedication and revolves around making choices in weapon types from the start. It's so time consuming you really need to pre plan what it is you want to characters to wield, will they dual wield, use a shield, go martial arts - all of that. You aren't likely to have multiple weapon skills 90+, otherwise.Become a Cosmic Lord and defeat The Dark Savant and dive into the way back machine for a good ole' game with a lot of charm and replay ability for those of us that were really into Wizardry, Ultima, Might & Magic and Bard's Tale type games of yore! $10 well spent!
Wizardry 8 Download Computer
Updated: Mar 9, 2020